At Apex®, we have been so fortunate to be embraced by so many wonderful players from the genre of Regional Mexican Music.  After much conversation with our outstanding Mexican Distributor, and the suggestions from players, we are proud to introduce our new Apex® Fara Fara Bajoquinto Set (SXB2478F).

We want to honor the heritage and rich history of Mexico.  Here we explain.

“El Arco” Monterrey, NL Mex.  El Arco de la Independencia, Monumento histórico de Monterrey, construido en 1910 por el Gobernador Bernardo Reyes a cargo de Afred Giles y Pedro Cabral.

Además de ser pieza emblemática del Estado, desde muchos años es punto
de reunión para Músicos del género Norteño, es ahí donde el sabor
exquisito de la música norteña lleva su escencia y ejerce una gran influencia en ellos, ahi puedes escuchar musica tradicional al estilo original, Bajosextos de más de 50 años, acordeones y contrabajos representados con gran orgullo por músicos mexicanos.

El músico del Arco ahora es parte de la familia Apex y nos sentimos orgullosos de ostentar la primera marca en honrar su trabajo.

The Arch called ‘Arco de la Independencia en Monterrey’ (translating to Independence Arch), it is an historical and important monument in Monterrey.  It was built in 1910 with the occasion of celebrating 100 years since Mexico got its independence, during Bernardo Reyes’s government, by Alfred Giles and Pedro Cabral.

In addition to be an emblematic building, for many years it had been a gathering place for musicians of ‘Norteño’ genre.  Norteño is a traditional musical expression from Northern Mexico.  The accordion and the bajo sexto are norteño’s most characteristic instruments.  When you visit this place, you can listen Mexican musicians playing with great pride the original style of this genre and have continued for more than 50 years, Bajo Quinto, accordions and double basses.

‘The Arch musicians’ are now part of the Apex family.  Apex is proud to present the first brand honoring their work

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